Friday, August 6, 2010

One more assignment....

Good job today, as usual.  It is hard to believe this was our last class meeting already!  Thank you all for your enthusiasm and hard work!
During the upcoming week, please do two things:
1. Watch your videos (below) and write a review of your own presentation.  Think about presentation (things like pacing (speed of reading), pronunciation, and overall communication) and the writing (is there anything you would change?)
2). Please write on your blog a response to a final writing assignment: 

1.    We have done various types of writing in this class:  Keyboarding exercises, spelling, grammar exercises at Quia, organizing a paragraph, sentence fill-ins, and short essays. What was the most useful to you? Why?

A REMINDER:  You can continue to write in your blogs! It is yours to develop and keep alive! You might promise yourself that you will write something once a week during the summer, or keep a summer diary there.  Or, you might email a classmate and agree to read each other's blogs. Your blog address is yours to keep! The most important thing is, KEEP WRITING!!!

Here are the videos from the last class for you to watch:


Today in computer lab, please fill out the class survey:
Summer Evaluation

We will also be videoing a reading of our favorite post.  Practice reading for the video!