Friday, October 29, 2010

Going into November.....

Today in class we went over use of adjectives and adverbs and reviewed grammar terms.  In computer lab students edited and worked on their "Letter to New Immigrants."  Then we shared those letters out loud in class and talked about writing tone/styles that different students have. We ended with the essay, "Find Your Compass with your Roots" as food for thought.
We also got into a discussion about the Compass Test:  Very useful information can be found at: Student Services.
We have been working mostly on narrative writing this quarter. The next few weeks we will switch to persuasive writing.  Please refer to your handout about the basics of different writing styles. Other places to look for information are:
Persuasive Essay Map (Try this! You can use just your first name.)
and take  a look at this page:
Writing the Persuasive Essay
Because of the nature of this topic, I am going to give you some EXTRA TIME to write this.  By Wed. night this week (Nov. 3rd) please post a BASIC OUTLINE of what you want to write about. We will spend part of class time working on it on Friday.
The finished version should posted to your blog by TUESDAY NOV. 9th.

IT IS EASIEST TO WRITE A PERSUASIVE ESSAY IF YOU REALLY FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT SOMETHING.  If you have an idea of what you'd like to write about, please EMAIL ME a couple of sentences about it so I know what you plan to do.  Or, please choose from one of these topics:
1. Schooling (For example, what kind do you think is best? Why?)
2. Texting (For example, should it be limited? What age should kids start? Is it necessary?)
3. Television (For example,should kids be limited? How much should people watch it? What kinds of impact does it have?)


TOPIC: Homeschooling: The Benefits

Paragraph One -  Introduction: My own experience for 10 years
Supporting examples:
1. Social Skills are main argument against it; but more variety of social development opportunities for homeschoolers
2. Travel - time to do things on own schedule; able to do a wider variety of activities; able to take advantage of free admissions and fewer crowds.
3. Freedom - Learn more because of greater flexibility - more reading, more working on individualized projects and learning.

Final paragraph - Conclusion: Can be very rewarding if situation is right. Can use the experience in other areas of life.

Here is a sample essay:

Many people shake their heads in disbelief when I tell them I homeschooled our kids during elementary school, but I still think it is one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Their understandable response is to think that the kids "missed out" on something very basic in our culture: the classroom with the teacher at the blackboard, the school bus rides, and the playgrounds. Whenever you do something unusual, it is hard to see the benefits. But there are many.

The first question invariably is, "What about their social development?" Frankly, I think my kids had a lot more time for social activities than kids in the school system.   Our backyard was the favorite play area for the whole neighborhood, because everyone knew our kids were around and at least one parent was home.  They learned to interact well with adults and kids of all ages, because their world included a wider variety of people other than their own age group.  Socially they were impressive,  and when I think of all the hours they got to spend actually playing outside, I don't feel a bit bad about their missing out on 20 -minute recesses on a school playground.

Then there's the opportunities for outings, even travel. When you homeschool, your free time is not limited to weekends. You can go to museums on free days midweek, you can go to movies when they are not crowded, and you can enjoy all the parks and libraries of your area at whim.  Like many homeschoolers, our family was able to drive across the United States  together and even go to other countries, taking our lessons from the world around us. We decided it should more realistically be called "Worldschool" instead of "Homeschool."

Last but not least is the overall feeling of freedom.  You can study what intersts you. You can read as many books as you want, and at your own speed. My kids devoured books, and - simply by the sheer number of hours they were able to enjoy books -   were testing at high-school level reading when they were in the 6th grade. Other basic skills such as math, science and social studies can be incorporated into everyday living, and I came to realize that much of the basics are part of a developmental cognitive growth that happens whether a child is in school or not. They could stay up late without worrying about getting up for school the next morning, so we were able to take them to evening events such as concerts (we have many musician friends); this freedom of time use allows many homeschoolers the chance to hone the natural tendencies of their kids in a more focused and meaningful way.

Homeschooling isn't for everyone; if both parents work outside the house it is nearly impossible. But it could be something to take advantage of during the current economic climate. Now, years later, working as an ESL teacher in multi-level classrooms, I can easily grasp the idea of various levels being in the same room and having everyone effectively learn.  It works! I know this because I took the first step away from the bus stop, toward the world beyond, with my kids. Now I'm living it, in a different form, with my adult students.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Working with Ideas

Bowl by Chika Oumi

In class we talked about adjectives and adverbs and their use with countable and countable nouns. We worked in pairs to put together original sentences from cut-up sentences. Students who finished the assignment read them aloud and then made edits in the lab. The variety of experiences that students are writing about is really incredible. I am thrilled with how much you are sharing in English. The others students finished the assignment and I was able to edit most of them.  If you still have not finished last week's assignment, please do it soon and email me.

1. Finish these five exercises. We are doing this instead of Quia this week!)
and this:
and this:


2. Vist the blog of the student after your name on the blog list.  Make a comment about something interesting that they wrote on their blog.

3. People who want to work on resumes and cover letters, send them to me via email.  (You can use the cover letter templates found at the link.)

4.  WRITE A LETTER to New Immigrants.  What advice would you give them? Be careful about word order, adjectives and adverbs.

Dear New Immigrant,

Welcome to the Land of Plenty! Life will be full of surpises and challenges here. There are a few tips I'd like to pass along to make your life easier:
1. When someone asks, "How are you?" you should always say you are fine, even if you are not.  Everyone in America is FINE, FINE, FINE!!! Get used to it!
2. Never ask anyone over 30 how old they are.  They don't want to answer!!
3.Don't stare or point at strange people.  (Note: there are many, many strange people!)
4. Get a cell phone, even if you don't need it.  Everyone here has one. 
5. Drive carefully! Tickets are expensive!

Last but not least, keep smiling.  This is a country of smiles. Maybe in your country you didn't smile all the time, but here we do.

GOOD LUCK! Let me know if there are problems!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

In my experience.....

Everyone did a good job today in class; you are asking good questions and working hard. (Notice how that semi-colon was used - and how useful dashes can be!)
We went over the punctuation exercise and then inserted some new punctuation that we don't normally use into the movie reviews.  Students edited and re-published their reviews, and then we went blog-hopping to comment on each other's reviews.  Last but not least we went over the article from "The Sun" by Manish Nandy and discussed new vocabulary - and useful ways to get vocabulary from context - before class was dismissed and we were able to all go out and enjoy the sunshine! By the way, Victoria looked up The Sun's website, and it is: The Sun Magazine.  Subscriptions are $39.00 a year. Thank you, Victoria!
1)  You will each write a short essay (2-4 paragraphs) that starts with the topic sentence from our reading: "In my experience, immigrants help each other whenever we can."  REMEMBER: the paragraphs should be cohesive, each with a topic sentence and supporting ideas.

2) Quia grammar assignment: Do the 4 assignments for Week Four! Good luck!

3) Since "Spelling City" doesn't seem to be working well for students, please CUT AND PASTE the list below from "Just Let me Sleep" to: esldesk, then practice spelling them.

Just Let me Sleep: Spelling List 
1. rolled 
2. smacked 
3. fumbled 
4. glared 
5. reflection 
6. blinding 
7. creeping 
8. chirping 
9. especially 
10. hate 
11. obnoxious 
12. wailing 
13. insistent 
14. uninterrupted 
15. realization 
16. despised 
17. nuisance 
18. irritated 
19. wrinkly 
20. wise 
21. shoo 
22. attitude 
23. pointless 
24. consumed 
25. entirely 
26. drift 
27. ultimate 
28. epiphany 
29. staring 
30. procrastinate 
31. vastly 
32. culprit 
33. harsh 
34. embrace 

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Everyone did a great job yesterday, talking about punctuation and proofreading with the SWAPS method.  The lab time was very constructive, and reading your writings out loud afterwards was we know who the early birds and who is a night owls are! (And the afternoon chick!)

Because this assignment is longer and we don't have class on Friday,  I am giving you extra time. THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE DUE BY MIDNIGHT MONDAY OCT. 11th.
Write a two to four-paragraph review of any movie you want. To get some ideas of movie reviews, you can look up different movies online and see what people say. (Note: There are professional reviewers and there are non-professional. Can you tell the difference?  The professional reviewers always try to give a balanced review, including both the good and the bad.) If you do not watch movies, you can review a book, but I prefer a movie review.

Here is Liz's example:

Karate Kid: A Movie with a Kick

The poster for "Karate Kid"  shows the sillhouette if a boy kicking his leg high above his head. That sillhouette is Jaden Smith,  who plays 12-year old Dre from Detroit who must unwillingly move to China with his single mom (Taraji Henson) when she is transferred. As soon as he arrives, he finds himself attracted to a Chinese classmate Meiying (played by Wenwen Han), and is repeatedly attacked by bullies. Their excuse for beating him up is that they do not like his relationship with Meiying; in reality they are being cruel simply because he is different, and an easy target.  He is ultimately shown how to fight the bullies by the local handyman Mr. Han, played with patience and grit by Jackie Chan. I went to the movie because I was interested in seeing how Jaden Smith is developing as an actor; I was impressed with his acting in "The Pursuit of Happyness," where he was a young boy with fresh innocence. I discovered in "Karate Kid" that yes, Jaden Smith is maturing as an effective actor - and he can kick, too.

I didn't expect the story to be compelling or thoughtful, but just light entertainment.  I was wrong.  If you have ever been a foreigner, you can relate to the feelings of "other" that Dre  experiences. The cultural mix of new and old in China was highlighted, and Kung-fu, rather than being just an exotic art, was portrayed as a lifestyle that goes beyond cultural borders.  It is a coming-of-age tale that contains relevant age-old messages about hard work,  discipline and following one's heart. The dialogue was natural, the relationships felt real, and  - despite all the kicking - very little blood was shed. I left the movie feeling inspired; not quite ready to sign up for Kung-fu, but with a fuller understanding of what martial arts can offer and how its approach can be applied to everyday life.

This kind of movie, with a skinny kid and an aging star - and no shooting scenes or even car chases - doesn't stay long in the theaters. It doesn't have the usual PG "Disney" marketing machine backing, and the cast is largely minorities. (Shouldn't matter. But I think it does.)  The good news for Renton residents is, it is now playing at the Regal East Valley 13 for just $3.00.  It is located at 3751 East Valley Highway.  It is a well-told story that could very well kick you when you least expect it.

2. QUIA: There are TWO NEW assignments, "Punctuation Practice" and "Sentences from Blogs 2". They are listed as Week Two/Three.  Don't forget to use your username and password when you do them.

3. Week Two Spelling Assignment: Please go to Spelling City (see link on the right) and do Writing Class Week Two - Vocabulary from "Just Let Me Sleep."  When you get over 90% correct, send me an email!

4. Practice typing at least 3 times this week! See the link on the right.

As always, email me if you have questions or problems.