Friday, May 7, 2010

Control - C, Control V....

Good class today, from Lada Gaga to a little Mexican boy in Disneyland to The Official History of Ice Cream! Keep writing, writers!
To move text around:
1. Select the text.
2. Hold down control with left hand, click the "c" with right hand. (C is for COPY.)
3. Go to the place you want to move it to.
4. Hold down control and click "V".(V is for VIEW) Your text should magically appear!
ALSO: If you want to delete a section of writing, you select it, and do Control-X. That takes it away. Whoops! I didn't want to delete that! Then hit Control-Z to bring it back!
PRACTICE it and see how it goes.
This week, write a short essay or paragraph. I will put some new grammar exercises up on Quia for you to practice as well.
Good luck.

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