Sunday, June 13, 2010

Only two weeks left!

There are only two weeks left in spring quarter....keep writing! (I forgot to help you forward your resumes to me in class last week -- please remind me to do that next week.)

This week's assignment is:
1) Make a comment on someone else's blog.
2) On your blog, write a short paragraph (at least 6 sentences) about a place. This can be a place you like or hate, a place you go to every day or have only been to once. The rules:
- You must use at least 3 adjectives (beautiful, cold, dirty, etc)
- You must compare it to something. (It is like.....It is similar to.....It is.....)
Here is one example:

A Traveling Office

My car is one of my favorite places to work. No, I don’t mean the work of driving.  I mean thinking.   Driving takes some concentration, of course, but driving familiar roads also allows me to think.  I don’t listen to music. I don’t’ get distracted with the news. When I drive, I plan.  I think about lessons, I think about my students, I think about what I want to do in class.  Some people complain about commuting to and from work, but for me it is a time to think about my job.  I always carry sticky notes to write ideas on (when the light is red, or course.) I don’t actually have an office at work, but I do have my quiet, faithful car.  It is like a magic carpet for my imagination. It is my vehicle to work and my vehicle to ideas.   Whenever I get in, I look forward to where it will lead me.

DO A GOOD JOB!! You will be reading what you wrote out loud in class. If you have extra time at the computer, don't forget to visit the great spelling site!
Below is last week's writing sample:

Maria’s Marvelous Enchiladas

Maria’s enchiladas are more than just spicy ingredients mixed together. They are the result of years of enchilada-making, created with the skill and perfection of an artist. The color, taste, flavor and design represent a combination of tradition and personal talent, offering a uniquely satisfying experience for the mind and body. Eyes, take a look! Nose, take a smell! Mouth, take a taste! Maria’s enchiladas blend the colors of Mexico - the red heat, the brown earth, and the golden sun. Her warm heart can be found at the bottom of each creation, which are then are sprinkled on top with her cheerful personality. Maria is an impressionistic artist who expresses herself with her cooking. I was glad to be at her June 4th exhibition.

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